Facts that You may not Know about Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in Vietnam!
As part of a turtle art contest “Let’s Save Turtles”, the ATP/IMC co-hosted with People and Nature Consolidation (PanNature) and Humane Society International Viet Nam, created some infographics highlighting interesting facts about tortoise and freshwater turtle (TFT) species of Vietnam.
These graphics were developed with the hope of nurturing your understanding about TFT and as well as providing inspiration for your creativity. It should be noted that 24 out of 26 native TFT species are threatened and in need in your support for their long-term survival. Artwork used in the infographics were created by artist Nguyen Doan Son for Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV)
Come and join the contest, convey your messages and creativity and tell us your story.
For more details of the contest, please visit the below link:
www.asianturtleprogram.org (English)
www.thiennhien.net (Vietnamese)

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the European Union (European Union in Vietnam) and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for supporting this activity within the framework of the two sponsored projects: “Partners against Wildlife Crime” and “Conservation of endangered, precious, and rare tortoise and freshwater turtle species in Vietnam”.

30th June 2021
Press release by: Pham Nhu Quynh and Jack Carney (ATP/IMC)
There were indeed a few things I didn’t know about Vietnamese turtles! Congratulations on the Cyclemys atripons addition to your turtle fauna!!
Keep up the great work ATP, you inspire and shine a light through the practical and educational work you do.
Thanks so much for your kind words of motivation.